Britain’s in decline. Democracy has lost its way. It’s no wonder so many of my generation believe it’s time for a dictator
Young people in the UK - born, like me, in the 21st century - are constantly told how lucky we are to have ‘freedom’. To our parents and grandparents, steeped in the baggage of the Second World War, ‘freedom’ is the ultimate democratic right. But many in...
Rural Art: In Focus
SOMETHING about the countryside irks Britain’s governing class. Whether they are increasing regulatory burdens on rural industries in the name of combatting climate change, doing away with fusty old pastimes like hunting in the name of 'social progress', or raiding...
The Enterprise State
Your ideas are watertight, your principles are righteous, and your goals are just—but when the hour of decision arrives, will you be prepared to command the machinery of the state to impose your vision on the world? This is the principal question of...
Centring the Experience of the English Community
We hear a great deal about the various “communities” that make up the grand disjointed patchwork of modern Britain. All of our country’s major institutions — the government, the civil service, the corporations, the NGOs, the media, academia, and so on — centre those...
Protests Do Not Bring About Change
In democracies, we are led to believe that we affect change simply by winning enough people over to our position. That if we could just convince enough people that we are right and our opponents are wrong, then meaningful change is both inevitable and imminent. That...
Freedom, Like Equality, is a False God
“Equality is a false god.” You will be familiar with this phrase if you have spent any time in right-wing spaces online. Well-known among the Right, this aphorism represents the fundamental rejection of the left-wing worldview. It is a recognition of the fact that...
What Is Managerial Capitalism?
For generations, the Right has been understood as being first and foremost the side of capitalism. Embodied in the figures of Thatcher and Reagan, capitalism is championed by many in the mainstream who trade under the name “conservative” as the only alternative to the...